thyme on the steep mountains

Manuka Honey

Monofloral Manuka Honey harvested in 2020

High Quality Monofloral Manuka Honey

Our manuka honey is sourced from Queenstown Lake District area. It is a very wild and isolated place where wild deer and goat roam the hills. The Manuka grows along the sides of the mountain ranges, and in a good season the whole side of the mountain will turn white with Manuka flower.

All of our 2020 manuka honey samples passed Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) Monofloral Manuka Honey Classification Test, tesed by an MPI-recognised laboratory on March 2020. >>View Test Result

What is Manuka Honey

Manuka [ mā·nu·ka ] is one of the New Zealand native plants. Manuka Honey comes from the nectar of the flower of the manuka bush (Leptospermum scoparium). It is the nectar and the bee that give this honey its unique properties. It is 100% pure honey, nothing else added.

Making sure it's authentic NZ Manuka Honey

In December 2017, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) finalised a robust and sophisticated scientific definition that can be used to authenticate whether or not a particular honey is New Zealand manuka honey.

The manuka honey definition is made up of a combination of 5 attributes (4 chemicals from nectar and 1 DNA marker from manuka pollen). This allows the industry to:

Our Manuka Honey is Monofloral.

MPI Test Result 3 In 1 Test Result

What does HMF 2mg/kg means?

In the honey test result, the HMF indicator 2mg/kg means our Manuka Honey are very fresh and no heating during process.

HMF (HydroxyMethylFurfuraldehyde) is used as an indicator of heat and storage changes in honey. In the Honey Directive, The European Union distinguishes between non-tropical origins with a limit of 40 mg/kg and tropical origins with a maximum limit of 80 mg/kg.

What is the UMF / MGO number on your Manuka Honey?

We don't put any number in our Manuka Honey label, as we didn't pay for these trademarks. But we do go for these tests for our buyers to use as a reference. For the Manuka Honey selling on this website, you can refer to the results of 'Drum4E' and 'Drum1F' >>View Test Result

In the commercial market, NPA between 5 and 9.9 are labelled UMF 5+, honey with NPA ratings between 10.0 and 14.9 are rated UMF 10+, and so on.

We noticed that NPA/UMF/MG are unstable activity, they can be changed by time, temperature and light. For example, Manuka Honey with NPA 5.8 and HMF 2mg/kg might changed to NPA 10.8 and HMF 25mg/kg after 8 months 27°C storage. But Manuka Honey with NPA 5.8 and HMF 37mg/kg will degrading after time.

If you really care about the NPA/UMF/MG number in Manuka Honey label, you should also find out their HMF indicator.